

23.7.: Buy competition ends & winners are announced

The first three buyers with the biggest buys will be significantly rewarded.  
🥇1st place – 30% of his purchase amount in USDT
🥈2nd place – 20% of his purchase amount in USDT
🥉3rd place – 10% of his purchase amount in USDT

  • 23.7.; 23:59 (CET): Buy Competition concluded, here are the winning purchases:
    • 🥇1st Place: $2.605,96 – Reward: $781,79
    • 🥈2nd Place: $2.152,25 – Reward: $430,45
    • 🥉3rd Place: $2.143,93 – Reward: $214,39

24.7.: Burning more than 10,000,000 CUT, exact amount to be announced on 23.7.

  • Time of the burning: 01:59:50 PM UTC
  • Transaction hash: 0xfc4f923ff857876da7add14fc24f9ec61daa48dd6eda7221774cf377b248d9d5

25.7.: Buyback event – we are buying back the total amount of the top 3 purchases combined


1.8.: Burning tokens from the Buyback event


Participating in events such as buy competitions and token buybacks can be a thrilling way to engage with the market. Whether you aim to be one of the winners in a buy competition or look to gain profits and rewards from the event’s outcomes, these events can offer significant opportunities.

To participate in this event, simply buy CUT on PancakeSwap or the CryptoUnity exchange. To secure the top spot, you will need to make the largest purchase, which is currently $2,152.25.

VIDEO EXPLANATIONS – What is Happening This Week?

What is 3v1 CryptoUnity event?

In Cryptounity, we decided on a strategy that combines buy competition, token burning, and buybacks.

The event starts with a buy competition, where the top three buyers with the largest purchases will be significantly rewarded. When the buy competition ends, we will announce how much tokens we are burning and the next day, we will burn over 1% of the total CUT supply, permanently reducing the number of tokens in circulation.

Following this, we will buy back tokens equal to the amount of the top three buys from the competition and burn these tokens a week later.

Combining a buy competition, token burning, and buybacks is good because it boosts market activity, rewards participants, and increases the value of the remaining tokens by reducing their supply. With this event, we are demonstrating our commitment to the long-term success of CryptoUnity.

What is a Buy Competition?

A buy competition in the cryptocurrency world is an event where participants compete to purchase the most tokens within a set period. These events are exciting and rewarding, often offering prizes to top performers.

Why Participate?

Participating in a buy competition offers the chance to win attractive prizes by buying the most tokens. It helps boost liquidity, making it easier to trade the token. Additionally, it fosters excitement and brings the community together, increasing the cryptocurrency’s popularity and market activity. These competitions are fun and can be very rewarding for those involved.

What is Burning?

Token burning is a method used in the cryptocurrency world to decrease the total number of tokens in circulation by permanently removing some of them. This can be compared to taking money out of your wallet and destroying it so it can never be used again. 

Why Do It?

The main reasons for doing this are to increase the value of the remaining tokens, prevent inflation, and reward token holders. By reducing the supply of tokens, the value of each remaining token can go up due to the basic economic principle of supply and demand. Additionally, limiting the number of tokens helps keep their value stable or potentially increase it over time, making it beneficial for investors who might see the tokens they hold become more valuable.

What is a Buyback?

Crypto buybacks are a strategy where cryptocurrency projects purchase their own tokens from the market, similar to companies buying back their shares in the stock market. This approach can help increase the token’s price and demonstrate the project’s confidence in its success. 

By buying their tokens, projects reduce the available supply, which can drive up the price. Additionally, buybacks signal to the market that the team believes in the long-term value of their project. This process can also reward current token holders by making their tokens potentially more valuable.