
You’re surely excited about our iconic “Quadruple B” series – featuring the Buy competition, Burning event, and BuyBack. Well, prepare for even greater thrills!

Initially set for next week, we’ve opted to supercharge the festivities by extending the timeline, amplifying the hype, and allowing more members of our community to participate. We’re cranking up the excitement to ensure the loudest buzz yet, as we countdown to the most monumental burning of $CUT tokens to date!

New Dates for Our Electrifying “Quadruple B” Week:

  • End of the Buy Competition: July 23rd
  • Largest Burning Event Ever: July 24th
  • BuyBack of the Top 3 Buys: July 25th

Get ready for what promises to be the most exhilarating week for our $CUT token since its launch! Make sure you’re part of this historic event!

Terms & Conditions of the “BBBB” Campaign Apply.