CryptoUnity Staking System – Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

CryptoUnity Staking System (the “System”) is a blockchain-based staking service operated by CU Limited, located at Kotnikova ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (“We,” “Our,” or “Us”). By using the System, you (“User”) agree to these terms and conditions. This document governs the staking of CryptoUnity Tokens (“CUT”), and the operation of the System is subject to Slovenian law.

These terms, in addition to our Terms and conditions ( and your applicable User Agreement, govern your use of certain staking services on the Staking Platform. Note that staking services are not currently available in the USA, or in other jurisdictions in which CryptoUnity does not generally make its services available. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the General Terms and Conditions or the applicable User Agreement.

2. Description of the Service

The System offers CUT token holders the opportunity to earn rewards in the form of additional CUT tokens. Users must hold CUT tokens to participate in the staking/unstaking process. They must also ensure they have a sufficient amount of Binance Coin (BNB) for transaction fees. Users can choose to stake their CUT tokens for periods of 9, 12, or 24 months. During these staking periods, the staked CUT tokens cannot be unstaked or moved.

Unstaking means terminating the staking period, chosen by the user.

3. Operation of the System

Users choose the amount of CUT tokens they wish to stake, either 50% or 100% of their total holdings. The staked CUT tokens will be locked into a smart contract for the chosen period of time, and cannot be prematurely unstaked. Users can track their earnings or rewards via their dashboard. Users pay BNB transaction fees when claiming rewards.

4. Instructions for Using the System

Staking takes place on “” platform (Staking Platform). Users connect their wallets to the platform, which detects the amount of CUT and BNB in the wallet. Users then choose the staking period and the amount of CUT they wish to stake.

When you opt-in to the Staking Program, there may be a preparation period of up to few days before the amount you stake is eligible to receive Staking Rewards. You will be notified of any preparation period prior to staking your CUT tokens.

5. Rewards; Commission; Compounds

Based on the amount of Eligible Cryptocurrency that you choose to stake, you will be eligible to receive Staking Rewards. Staking Rewards are rewards paid in the same Cryptocurrency that is staked.

CUT token holders have the opportunity to claim their rewards at any time, although this incurs transaction fees. In order to ensure full transparency to our users, the estimated APY rate takes our commission into account.

Rewards are recorded as estimated Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as follows: 

Period of 24 months – 61.8% APY; 

Period of 12 months – 25.1% APY; 

Period of 9 months – 15.4% APY;

You have no right to a Staking Reward unless and until the relevant reward is actually received by CryptoUnity. Staking Rewards are delivered to your CryptoUnity account within 30 days after the expiration of the staking period. All Staking Rewards delivered to you will automatically be re-staked if possible, and will then themselves be eligible to receive Staking Rewards after the applicable preparation period.

Users can track their earnings or rewards in the form of CUT tokens via their dashboard.

6. APY

Any APY listed on the CryptoUnity Platform is only an estimate of the potential annual percentage yield that participants may earn over the course of a year based on the then-current rewards offered by the relevant network of CUT tokens, after taking into account CryptoUnity’s commission and the compounding of Staking Rewards earned. 

This estimate may change over time. The actual Staking Rewards you receive may be more or less than this amount. 

7. Risks

In addition to the risks related to investment in cryptocurrency generally (see our  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF RISKS gere, staking poses additional risks. 

Cryptocurrencies are volatile assets and cryptocurrencies that are staked may lose value over time, including over the period that they are staked and any unbounding period, and so an asset may earn rewards while staked but still lose value. You may not be able to liquidate your investment while assets are staked. You may not be able to unstake CUT tokens until the end of the applicable unbounding period. CUT tokens that are staked may not be able to be unstaked until there are network upgrades of the BNB blockchain, which is out of the control of CryptoUnity and may or may not occur. The networks may change rewards that are offered, preparation periods, or unbounding periods at their sole discretion. Do not stake assets unless you are able to bear the risk of waiting for any applicable unbounding period to end. You acknowledge that CryptoUnity does not provide investment, legal, or tax advice to you in connection with your activity on the CryptoUnity Platform, including your participation in the Staking Program. You should consult with your own investment, legal, and tax advisors prior to making any investment decision, including whether to participate in the Staking Program.

8. Privacy and Data Use

We collect certain data to operate the System effectively. This includes wallet addresses and transaction data. We do not sell or distribute this data to third parties without User consent, except as required by law or detailed in our Privacy Policy.

9. Tax Obligations

The tax treatment of cryptocurrency may be uncertain in various jurisdictions around the world. The User is solely responsible for determining any tax obligations that may arise from their participation in the System, and to collect, report, and remit the correct tax to the appropriate tax authority.

10. Intellectual Property

All content, trademarks, and other intellectual property related to the System are owned by CryptoUnity unless otherwise stated or agreed.

11. Changes to the Terms and conditions

CryptoUnity reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes through their chosen contact method or via an announcement on our platform.

12. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from these Terms and conditions will be resolved before the Slovenian court, according to the rules of the Slovenian law.

13. Service Availability

CryptoUnity makes no guarantees regarding the uptime of the System. There may be times when the System is unavailable due to maintenance or other issues.


Certain procedures may be in place to comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. This might involve verifying User identities before they can participate in the System.

15. Third-Party Services

CryptoUnity is not responsible for any third-party services or links accessed through the System.

16. Eligibility and Account Security

Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their own blockchain wallets and private keys. 

17. Disclaimer

CU Limited, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensors make no warranties or representations about the content (including the User Content), including but not limited to its accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, or reliability. CU Limited shall not be subject to liability for truth, accuracy, or completeness of any information conveyed to users of the System or for errors, mistakes, or omissions therein or for any delays or interruptions of the data or information stream from whatever cause.

The User agrees that they use the System and the content at their own risk. CU Limited does not warrant that the System will operate error-free or that the System, its server, or the content are free of computer viruses or similar contamination or destructive features. CU Limited is not responsible for any costs associated with servicing or replacing equipment due to the use of the System.


CryptoUnity makes no guarantees that any staking rewards will actually be earned, nor that you will receive any particular return over time. CryptoUnity does not guarantee that the staking program will remain available on a continuous basis or for any period of time. These terms and conditions of staking may be changed by the networks without CryptoUnity’s consent, and such changes may be passed on to you. CryptoUnity reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, amend, or terminate the staking program in its sole discretion, including designating an asset as an eligible cryptocurrency.