
Hi folks!

We’re back to share with you some highlights and key accomplishments from the second quarter of the year 2023. Let’s dive right in!


During our presale period, we didn’t just focus on token sales but also managed to organize a charity event, benefiting a local animal shelter in their invaluable work. By the end of our presale, we were thrilled to announce that we had raised over €1 million in total!

Following the presale, we undertook the crucial task of distributing tokens. Not just once, but twice! This double distribution allowed us to cater to those who hadn’t arranged their wallets in time, ensuring all participants received their tokens.

In parallel, we saw the biggest airdrop in our history reach its conclusion, and we were amazed at the level of participation. All winners have been announced, contacted, and confirmed for reward acceptance, making this a successful wrap-up of the airdrop.

We also took the time after the end, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of our WorldWide Presale.


In terms of partnerships, we sealed strategic collaborations and visited one of our business associates in Belgrade, Serbia. Some time after that, we returned to Belgrade, this time for one of the largest blockchain conferences in the region – the Tmrw conference.

We also concluded a partnership with Fortune Hunters, with whom we held an AMA session in our main Telegram group, focusing on safety in the crypto world.

In addition to these community engagements, we made significant strides in our product development. One of our crowning achievements of this quarter is the development and refinement of our staking platform. Alongside the platform, we have also planned and structured the logic for the staking process, ensuring a seamless user experience for our community members.

Having finalized our pitch deck, we are now well-prepared for securing further investments. Despite numerous IEO and listing offers, our primary focus is on strategizing the best path forward for the token and our platform.

Moreover, we have worked extensively on our product 1.0, prioritizing its early launch to gather user feedback. To this end, we have fine-tuned and completed the UI/UX design, aiming to offer a user-friendly and intuitive experience to our supporters.

Last but not least, we also formed our plan for the Q3 of 2023, which we will discuss more in the next newsletter, so if you are not subsribted to it yet, don’t forget to do so, here.


Community engagement remains one of our key priorities. We’ve laid out a community plan to share facts, questions, and opinions, allowing us to understand you better.

We conducted a short survey among community members to gauge your interests concerning our CUT token. Our global community expanded remarkably, with special mention to our Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish groups (based on language).

As part of our outreach, we completed the Spanish translation of our White Paper and added it to our website. Work is in progress for Portuguese and Turkish translations.

In an effort to be more available to you, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance for our team, we modified our office hours. We also hired community moderators, furthering our commitment to a vibrant, flourishing community. A new partnership was formed with the Criptomonedas group, which helped us with a fantastic team of moderators from around the world.

Looking back, Q2 was full of excitement, variety, and intensity. As we closed the presale, we dug deeper into our work. Silence on our end simply means we’re hard at work! A big thanks to everyone who supported us during this time, and a hearty welcome to all our new community members.

We’re stoked for all that the second half of the year has in store for us. With a community like ours, we can only continue to grow and flourish. These are still the early days, and we’re incredibly proud of the milestones we’ve achieved.

Stay tuned for all the updates and news!

Have a lovely week!