We are reaching out to inform you that the anticipated decrease in APRs has officially taken place. This adjustment comes as a part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a sustainable and balanced ecosystem for all our users.
Join the celebration with CryptoUnity’s Special Community Giveaway! Seize this opportunity to win exclusive merchandise and unique community tags, showcasing your CryptoUnity pride wherever you go. Good luck to all, and let’s continue to celebrate our unity and passion!
Discover the upcoming changes to $CUT Staking APRs effective from 29th of September, reflecting our commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. Understand how these changes are crucial for maintaining the health and stability of the project and its community, while facilitating growth in the CryptoUnity journey.
Hey guys! The results of our staking airdrop are in! We are thankful to everyone who responded, participated, and helped us share the word about CryptoUnity. We are super excited to announce the winners of the CryptoUnity Staking Airdrop! Without further ado, check the bottom results to see, if you
In the world of CryptoUnity, nothing happens by mere chance; there’s a reason behind every decision we make. Today, we’re thrilled to share an update that perfectly illustrates this principle: the highly-anticipated launch date of our $CUT token. Originally, we committed to launching in the latter half of October, a
The news highlights the successful conclusion of CryptoUnity's Buy&Stake feature and staking airdrop. The article touches upon the incredible community engagement, announces forthcoming reward revelations, and underscores the importance of these events for the $CUT token's future.
CryptoUnity, as a proud member of the Infobip Startup Tribe, has been specially invited to attend the Infobip Shift Conference. This prestigious event will unfold in the scenic city of Zadar, Croatia, on September 18-19, 2023.
In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, security is paramount. That’s why we’ve partnered with CertiK, a pioneering company specializing in smart contract audits and blockchain security checks. Their reputation speaks volumes, and we’ve previously earned their esteemed badges, like the KYC Gold, to showcase our commitment to secure, transparent
In recent days, we’ve been teasing and finally unveiling some significant news. CryptoUnity has been invited to none other than Dubai. Known as a global hub for blockchain innovation and a sanctuary for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Dubai is an epicenter of activity and is widely considered a must-visit, especially if you
From the outset, our white paper outlined that upon launching our CUT token on PancakeSwap, a buy and sell fee of 6% and 9%, respectively, would be applied. We’ve been deliberating for a while whether the additional buy fee would serve as an asset or a deterrent to potential new